Wednesday, August 5, 2009

TWO weekends of fun

SO the past 2 weekends we have been gone non stop and taken tons of pictures, so I'm going to try to play catch up. Weekend before last Erik's sister Krista came into town from Toronto and other than one night at a restaurant around Christmas time, this is the first time I've seen her since we were married. She's here working in some hospitals for school (she's studying to become a doctor) and she's here for a month, which is perfect timing cause it's the last month were here. Then Leila came up from WA for 2 weeks, so now were squeezing in lots of family fun time.

So back to what I was saying, weekend before last Krista came in town and we went out for a day on Olli and Deb's (Erik's dad and step-mom) yacht. We spent the whole day just going all over the Fraser River and then came back to dock and had a steak dinner and wine and hung out with some people from other boats. Also Debbie's son and girlfriend came and one of her nieces and her boyfriend so I met all of them for the first time. That was all on Sunday. Then there were the few days before that, that I wish I had pictures of, but I don't. That Friday Erik and I finally got to go on a long overdue really nice date. It was so much fun and relaxing, we went to a restaurant called Moxie's and ate SOOOO much food and just took our time and talked and laughed, it was great! Then the next day Erik made plans to meet up with a friend he hasn't seen in years, so we asked him where he wanted to meet and funny enough, he wanted to eet at Moxie's..haha, so we ate there 2 days in a row. Then we drove to Rose's (Erik's moms) for dinner and dominos (the game, which I had forgotten how fun it is) and spent the night there.

Okay, so jump ahead to this last weekend. Friday I drove out to Langley to get my hair cut mid afternoon, then went to my MIL house because Leila and Davin were there and hung out with them for a little while, then drove staright to Erik's work (which took about an hour!) picked him up, then went straight from there to his Dad's for a BBQ. SO we ate and talked and watched a movie and got home at like 12:30am. Then The next day Rose and Leila came and picked me up and went went out to this really cute little town, Ft. Langley, and had lunch and walked around looking in shops and such, then we drove to White Rock and walked along the shore, and then drove home, picked up chinese food and ate at the house. Then Sunday morning Erik and I went to the annual air show. Debbie had some VIP tickets through work that she gave us, and we got to sit in a private area and have free food and drinks all day. We were so exhasted and burnt by the end of the day, but it was fun. Then we finally took the day yesterday to pack, not too much more to go, but we sure do have a nice disaster area going around here.

Okay, so now for the pictures...they are sooo out of order, but there's so many and honestly, I don't even feel like trying right now.

So this is the airshow: Snowbirds flying, Erik was really excited to see them, they did some pretty cool stuff. I just wish they hadn't waited til the end of a like 6 or 7 hr show to bring them out. I was fading.

Speaking of fading , this is me doing just that, and frying.

Old warbirds

I made Erik take a picture of the Canadian rednecks

This was cool, and very loud. I think it's called Mach 1 something about breaking the sound barrier, or almost breaking it ? Anyways, it looked cool

My Love, who remembered his sunglasses, unlike me.

Oh ya, then a guy proposed in the middle of the show....I don't know I'm not really into that, thought it was kinda lame, I'm all for being showy and stuff, but it's also a time to say some really meaningful things and share your heart, and all he did was drag her to the middle of the feild, propose, and then just get up. BOO

They had parachuters, doing tricks

more tricks
We sang the Candian Anthem

Me standing for the anthem

I was impressed, we sang the American anthem, and they had everyone stand, I stood proudly!
Erik took a picture of the Mounties for me...seriously, the outfits are a riot.

I had to have a picture with this tiny little plane, they were so small people were pulling them with one arm.

This was before we left for the airshow..there was a dress code for VIP

This was the Sunday we went on the yacht. Krista and I after an evenng swim in the nasty Fraser.

Erik and I spent the night on the boat after everyone left.

Deb's son and girlfriend, Olli and Deb's niece


Captain Erik

Krista and Deb enjoying the sunshine and cool breeze

And this was from the night before at Rose's house for dinner
Anyways, we have tons more pictures, maybe I'll post more later. At least just for memories sake, for me. We've had so much fun. And it continues. Erik started a scuba course last night that goes from 6 pm to 10:30pm and tonight after he gets off work we are heading straight to his moms and he's going to babysit Davin and Rose, Krista, Leila and I are going to see Julie and Julia. Then we have our going away party this weekend. Time is flying!