I woke up this morning to a chilly 60 degree whiff of fresh air and immediately I was taken back to North Carolina. My first few weeks there were gorgeous, the leaves were changing and I was up in the mountains, everything smelled so fresh and I had hours to myself to explore and relax. Those were some good days. I love how just the slightest scent can bring back memories sooo vividly.
Just the other day I was on my way to work with my mom when I suddenly was about to wet my pants, nothing new really, so we stop at a CVS and I run into the bathroom and BAM! I'm hit with this intensely strong air freshener and I feel all these strong emotions start bubbling up and twirling around but I don't know what they are because I couldn't put my finger on the scent....And then I remembered, it was the air freshener I used to use on a daily basis when I had my very first roommate at 18. She was the most filthy person I have ever lived with and all we had was a tiny dorm, so I would push everything to her side of the room, clean and decorate my side, and then drench the room in air freshener to cover up the 3 day old bowl of cereal she never finished and left sitting on her desk...uggggh!
Ahhh, memories. I love how smells can do that :-)